Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Its All About Be Yourself.

I'm just being myself.
And Thats enough.

If there is people out there that cant accept me being myself.
What i'm suppose to do?
Thats what we called life my dear friends.



fakhruddin said...

haziq, no matter what, i'm still loving mmuaahhh. hahaha

fakhruddin said...

**loving you
(tertinggal 'you' lak)

Irham Manan said...

Some people can't just see others to be themselves.
Ish ish.. but that's what we call life laa kan...

azmahal said...


Buku "Rich Dad Poor Dad" dah abis baca lum?

Smpi dah nak abis foundation belum khatam lg ke? Klu public library dh kena denda nie...

Nnt kita bg buku lain pulak, Richest Man from Babylon.

x-librarian said...

betul2x..(dgn nada upin n ipin)..kalo kat library mmg dh kena denda ni..ish2 (sambil geleng kepala)..harap2 nye lum abis baca buku tu sbb sibuk baca buku teks subjek2 foundation la ye bukan sibuk ngan 'hal lain'..apakah 'hal lain' itu? sila speku..hehe..=p

Si Curhat said...

nak speku speki boleh?

hal2 lain spt ah nabil help me..nabil said; Lu Pikir La Sendiri..

best of luck ziq..=)